Utah White Pages

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Use Addresses’ massive database to search for anyone living in the state of Utah. Addresses provides some of the most accurate information available. Our information is updated frequently using public records; this includes:

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Notable People from UtahNotable Work/Position
J. Willard MarriottBusinessman, Founder of the Marriott Corporation
Florence Ellinwood AllenJurist, first woman to serve on a state supreme court
Willard “Mitt” RomneyU.S. Senator, Republican Party Presidential nominee in 2012
JewelSinger, songwriter, Grammy Award nominee, author
Steve YoungProfessional football quarterback, multiple MVP winner
Christine “Chrissy” TeigenTelevision personality, author, model
Robert RedfordActor, director, founder of Sundance Institute and Film Festival
Marie OsmondSinger, actress, author, member of the show business family, the Osmonds

Searching for Someone in Utah

Utah is the 30th most populated state in the U.S. The total population of Utah is 3.1 million residents with 938,365 households. The average household size is 3.1 members (based on 2017 census data). To refine your search for someone in Utah, consider the age, gender, and demographic of your subject to ensure you’re on the right track.

The predominant race in Utah is white, making up 78% of the state’s population. The median age is 31, with 49.6% of the total population female and 51.4% male. The most populated city is Salt Lake City with 200,544 people.

The economy of Utah employs 1.45 million people. The median income is $65,325. Leading economic industries include agriculture, mining, petroleum production, manufacturing, and tourism.

Top 3 SchoolsCity# of GraduatesGraduation RateAcceptance RateMost Popular Degrees
Western Governors Univ.Salt Lake City16,44438.0%100.0%Nursing, Business, Educ.
University of UtahSalt Lake City8,16965.1%76.4%Communications, Econ.
Brigham Young Univ.Provo7,74983.1%51.2%Business, Biology, Educ.

Utah Real Estate

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Home values in Utah have gone up 11.3% in the past year and are anticipated to rise 5.7% in 2019. The median home value is $341,600 with the median price per square foot at $189. The median rent price is $1,550. The median price of homes currently listed in Utah is 369,900. The city with the highest home value is Sandy, with a median home value of $295,800.

CityAvg. Home ValueAvg. Household Income
Salt Lake City$281,300$71,510
West Jordan$252,200$69,404

Utah Facts

Official Name: Utah

Name Meaning: There are two prevailing theories about the origin of Utah’s name, but both involve Native American etymology. The first posits that “Utah” is a derivation from the name of the Ute tribe, and means “people of the mountains.” The second theory suggests that the name comes from the Apache word “yuttahih” which means “higher up” and is assumed to refer to the Ute Indians who lived in the higher mountain country.

Nickname: The Beehive State

Constitution Ratified: 1896

Statehood: January 4, 1896 (45th State)

Capital: Salt Lake City

Total Number of Counties: 29

Largest City: Salt Lake City

Largest County (by population): Salt Lake County

Population (as of 2018): 3,161,105

History: Utah was home to indigenous Native American tribes before the arrival of European explorers. Spanish explorers landed in the area in the 1700s, followed by westbound fur trappers and hunters. In 1847, followers of the Mormon religion made the trek to Utah, looking for a new, underpopulated area to settle and practice their faith free from persecution. At that time, Utah was a territory of Mexico. In 1848, the United States gained control of Utah (and much of the southwest) as a result of the Mexican-American War and later, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. When California and New Mexico applied for statehood, the Mormon settlers of Utah wanted to join as the state of Deseret, but the land was declared the Utah Territory instead. Conflicts between the Mormon leaders and the U.S. government over the practice of polygamy prevented Utah from becoming a state. In 1890 the Mormons agreed to ban polygamy, and applied for statehood again. On January 4, 1896, Utah was admitted as the 45th state.

Fast Facts:

  • The Great Salt Lake is the largest salt water lake in the Western Hemisphere and the largest in the United States that is not part of the Great Lakes.
  • Folks from Utah are designated “Utahans” according to most reference authorities, but the locals prefer “Utahns.”
  • Bingham Canyon Mine is the deepest open pit mine in the world.
  • Utah has the youngest population of any state. The median age in 2019 is 31.
  • Polygamy was a common practice of Mormon residents until it was banned in 1890 as a condition of being granted statehood. Polygamous communities still exist outside of the law.
  • Arches National Park is home to over 2000 natural sandstone arches.
  • There are 5 national parks in Utah: Arches, Canyonlands, Zion, Bryce, and Capitol Reef.
  • In 2001, Jell-O was declared the official state snack of Utah.

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