Riverside County White Pages

With a population of 2.42 million people, Riverside County is the 10th most populated county in the United States, just behind Kings County (Brooklyn), New York. Not surprisingly, its county seat is Riverside, which is the most populous city in the county and, as of 2017, had a population of 327,728. Riverside County borders the counties of San Diego, San Bernardino, Imperial, La Paz, and Orange.

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Riverside County Population

Riverside County is the 4th most populated county in California behind Orange, which is the 6th most populated county in the United States and has over 3.1 million people. The most populated county in California is Los Angeles (LA) County, which is also the most populous county in the entire country. The amount of residents in LA County is significantly higher at over 10 million.

If you’re looking for someone and only have a name and their general whereabouts, you can narrow your search by considering the demographic of the people in Riverside County.

The median age for a Riverside County resident was 35.6 years as of 2017. This is a slight increase from the previous year of 2016 when the age was 35. Those who were born in the United States and live in Riverside County tend to be younger than those who are foreign-born – 30 years vs. 49 years.

Interestingly, the gender diversity is evenly split with 50% men and 50% women making up the population. There are on average 728,103 households in Riverside County, which hold 3.3 persons per household. 50% of inhabitants of the county are married and 50% are single. If you’re searching for someone by name alone, consider they may have had a name change due to nuptials.

Also as of 2017, 21.2% of the population were foreign-born, which is higher than the national average of 13.7%. In 2016, the percentage was 21.3%, so even though it decreased, it didn’t change by much. There are 1.4 times more Hispanic/Latino residents (1.19 million people) than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most common ethnical groups are White Alone (851,000 people) and Asian Alone (156,000 people). Because there is such a large Hispanic/Latino community, it’s no surprise that the most common non-English language spoken is Spanish (771,498 speakers, or 34.1% of the population). The second and third are Tagalog (including Filipino, 35,575 speakers or 1.57%) and Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese, 20,369 speakers or 0.9%). 40.7% of Riverside County residents speak a non-English language, which is higher than the national average of 21.8%.

The median property value of homes in 2017 was $352,700, which is 1.62 times larger than the United States average at $217,600. This is a 7.01% increase from 2016, when it was $352,700. Despite the number of people per household and the increasing property values in the county, still 66.3% of residents own a home, which is higher than the national average of 63.9%. This may be because of the increasing average household income. In 2017, it was up to $63,944 from 2016’s $60,134.

The three most popular job industries in Riverside County are Retail Trade, Health Care/Social Assistance, and Construction, and the highest paid professions are within the Public Administration industry.

Riverside County Property Records

Map of California highlighting Riverside County

According to census data, Riverside County has a land area of 7,206.48 square miles, of which 97 square miles is water. There are around 303 people per square mile. Located in the southern portion of Caliornia, the county is included in the Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario Metropolitan Statistical Area, also known as the Inland Empire, as well as the Los Angeles-Long Beach Combined Statistical Area. It spans all the way to the Arizona border and is mostly desert in the central and eastern portions. However, it has a Mediterranean climate in the western portion. Most of Joshua Tree National Park is located in Riverside County. Many resort cities, including Palm Springs, Palm Desert and Rancho Mirage, are in the Coachella Valley region of the central part of the county.

Unfortunately, Riverside County is higher than the national average for property crimes. On a scale from 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime), it rates 40.2, and the national average is 35.4. Property crime includes theft, burglary, arson, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. It’s worth noting however that property crime means there is no physical violence against the victim, i.e. these crimes are based on the owner being absent or asleep. In regards to violent crimes, Riverside County comes in at 19.5, which is below the national average of 22.7. If you have specific concerns about someone, run a background check to find out if they have a criminal record.

Riverside County Facts

Official Name: Riverside County

Name Meaning: Riverside County was named for the Santa Ana River, which is the largest river entirely in Southern California. The upper canal of the river reached the City of Riverside in 1871.

Year Formed: The county was created from parts of the counties of San Bernardino and San Diego. In 1893, 70% of voters approved to separate it from the other two and create its own county.

Total Sq Miles: 7,206.48

Population: 2.42 million

Fast Facts:

  • Riverside County is the birthplace of lane markings. Dr. June McCarroll suggested the idea to the state government in 1915.
  • The March Air Reserve Base, one of the oldest airfields in the United States, is located in Riverside County.
  • There are 17 Ghost towns in Riverside County. Some of those were previously missionary towns or were created by the indigenous native inhabitants of California.
  • There are 19 official wilderness areas in the county that are protected by the National Wilderness Preservation System.
  • Riverside County was a major focal point of the Civil Rights Movement, especially the African-American sections of Riverside and the heavily Mexican-American communities in the Coachella Valley region visited by Cesar Chavez.

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