Clark County White Pages

Clark County is the most populated county in Nevada and the 13th most populated county in the United States, right behind King County, Washington. Its county seat is Las Vegas, which is also its most populated city, with 644,644 people. Clark County borders the counties of San Bernardino in California, Mohave in Arizona, Nye, Lincoln, and Inyo in California.

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Clark County Population

The average population size for a county in America is 10,000 people, putting Clark County’s population of 2.2 million well above average. The next most populated county in the state of Nevada is Washoe County, with a population of 460,587.

If you’re looking for someone and only have a name and their general whereabouts, you can narrow your search by considering the demographic of the people in Clark County.

The average age of those living in Clark County as of 2017 is 37.3, which has been slowly trending upwards (in 2016, it was 37). The median age for those born in the United States and living in Clark County is 33, which is significantly lower than those who were foreign-born (45 years of age).

The gender diversity is evenly split – 50% of the population are women and 50% are men. 54% of residents are single (46% are married), which is higher than the rest of Nevada and higher than the United States as a whole, and on average there are 2.7 persons per household. If you’re searching for someone by name alone, consider they may have had a name change due to nuptials.

As of 2017, 21.4% were born outside of the United States, and the most common countries of origin are Mexico (228,269 people), Phillipines (7,576 people), and El Salvador (4,220 people). The largest ethnic group in Clark County is White Alone. In fact, there are 1.35 times more White Alone residents (933,000 people) than any other race or ethnicity. The second and third most common are Hispanic/Latino and Black/African American Alone. The three most spoken non-English languages in Clark County households are Spanish (due to the Mexican and El Savadorian population), Tagalog (due to the Phillipino population), and Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese).

The median property value in Clark County was $250,000 in 2017, which is 1.15 times larger than the national average of $217,600. The value has increased since 2016, when it was $233,700. Given the property values and number of people per household, the percentage of those who own homes (54.2%) is lower than the national average (63.9%). Fortunately, the median household income is increasing. In 2017, the average was $57,189, which is up from 2016’s value of $54,384.

The three largest industries in Clark County are Accommodation and Food Services, Retail Trade, and Health Care and Social Assitance, and the highest paying industry is within Utilities.

Clark County Property Records

Map of Nevada highlighting Clark County

According to 2010 census data, Clark County’s 7,891.43 square mile land area equates to 247.3 people per square mile. The county accounts for nearly three quarters of Nevada’s residents, making it one of the most centralized states in the United States. Clark County is coextensive with the Las Vegas MSA (Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise) metropolitan statistical area.

The Colorado River stretches along the county’s southeastern boundary, with the Hoover Dam forming Lake Mead around most of the length. Greater Las Vegas is surrounded by four mountain ranges, but Mount Charleston in the northwest has the highest elevation, at 11,918 feet. Other than the forests perched along the mountain tops, the terrain is desert with only 169 square miles of the entire land area being water. Nevada is the third most seismically active state in the country, and the United States Geological Survey lists Clark County as having a 10-20% chance of a 6.0 or greater earthquake within 31 miles of Las Vegas.

Clark County is slightly higher than the national average for property crimes. On a scale of 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime, it rates as 35.6, and the national average is 35.4. Property crime includes theft, burglary, arson, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. It’s worth noting however that property crime means there is no physical violence against the victim, i.e. these crimes are based on the owner being absent or asleep. In regards to violent crimes, unfortunately Clark County comes in above the national average at 31.2 (the national average is 22.7). If you have specific concerns about someone, run a background check to find out if they have a criminal record.

Clark County Facts

Official Name: Clark County

Name Meaning: Clark County was named for William A. Clark, a Montana copper magnate and Democratic U.S. Senator. He was responsible for the Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad through the area, contributing to its early development.

Year Formed: What is now the area of Clark County was acquired by the United States during the Mexican-American War. In 1863, the county was part of Mohave County, Arizona Territory before Nevada became a state. It then became part of Pah-Ute County, Arizona County in 1865 and was assigned to the new state of Nevada in 1866.

Total Sq Miles: 7,981.43

Population: 2.2 million

Fast Facts:

  • To prevent the loss of federal funds due to unacceptable dust levels in the Las Vegas valley, the Nevada Air Quality Management division under direction of Clark County officials created the 'Don’t Be a Dusthole' campaign in 2003, which successfully raised awareness of dust pollution.
  • The era of massive modern casino resorts began with the opening of The Mirage in November of 1989.
  • There are 20 official wilderness areas in Clark County that are part of the National Wilderness Preservation System, including Arrow Canyon Wilderness, Black Canyon Wilderness, Bridge Canyon Wilderness, and Lime Canyon Wilderness.
  • The Apex Landfill, the nation’s largest landfill, is 2,200 acres and is located in Clark County.
  • The City of Las Vegas bills itself as “The Entertainment Capital of the World” and is famous for its mega-casino hotels. The city is a top three destination in the United States for business conventions and a global leader in the hospitality industry.

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