Maryland White Pages

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Use Addresses’ massive database to search for anyone living in the state of Maryland. Addresses provides some of the most accurate information available. Our information is updated frequently using public records; this includes:

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Notable People from MarylandNotable Work/Position
Thurgood MarshallFirst African American Supreme Court Justice, lead counsel Brown vs. Board of Education landmark desegregation case
Rachel CarsonConservationist, marine biologist whose book Silent Spring launched a global environmental movement
Tom ClancyBest-selling author known for espionage and military novels
Harriet TubmanAbolitionist, called “Moses” for her pivotal role in transporting slaves to freedom via the Underground Railroad
Cal Ripken Jr.Major League Baseball legendary shortstop and third baseman who played 21 seasons for the Baltimore Orioles
Jada Pinkett SmithFilm, television actress, singer, businesswoman
Ira GlassPublic Radio entertainer, host and producer of NPR’s This American Life
Nancy PelosiFirst woman elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2007; re-elected Speaker in 2019

Searching for Someone in Maryland

Maryland is the 19th most populated state in the U.S. The total population of Maryland is 6.04 million residents with over 2 million households. The average household size is 2.7 members (based on 2017 census data). To refine your search for someone in Maryland, consider the age, gender, and demographic of your subject to ensure you’re on the right track.

The predominant race in Maryland is white, making up 50.9% of the state’s population. The median age is 38.7, with 51.5% of the total population female and 48.5% male. The most populated city is Baltimore with 611,648 people.

The economy of Maryland employs 2.98 million people. The median income is $80,776. Leading economic sectors in Maryland include transportation by rail, port, and trucking, agriculture, fishing, biotechnology, and tourism.

Top 3 SchoolsCity# of GraduatesGraduation RateAcceptance RateMost Popular Degrees
Univ. of Maryland-Univ. CollegeAdelphi12,02526%100%Info Sciences, Biology, Econ.
Univ. of Maryland-Coll. ParkCollege Park1,46285%48%Biology, Computer Engineering
Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore8,43793%13%Public Health, Bio Engineering

Maryland Real Estate

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Home values in Maryland have gone up 2.8% in the past year and are anticipated to rise .8% in 2019. The median home value is $290,000 with the median price per square foot at $189. The median rent price is $1,700. The median listing price for homes statewide is $325,000, but median price of homes that sold is $271,500.

The city with the highest home value is Annapolis, with a median home value of $400,000.

CityAvg. Home ValueAvg. Household Income
Silver Spring$390,100$72,289

Maryland Facts

Official Name: Maryland

Name Meaning: George Calvert, who founded the territory, was granted a colonial charter from King Charles 1 of England in 1632. He requested the colony be named for his wife, Queen Henrietta Maria (Queen Mary).

Nickname: The Old Line State

Constitution Ratified: 1788

Statehood: April 28, 1788 (7th State)

Capital: Annapolis

Total Number of Counties: 23

Largest City: Baltimore

Largest County (by population): Montgomery County

Population (as of 2018): 6,042,718

History: Maryland was home to many Native American tribes before the arrival of European explorers. In 1632, King Charles I of England granted George Calvert a royal charter for the colony of Maryland. Maryland was established to protect minority Catholics from persecution; the religion’s followers represented less than 10% of the population among England’s new mainland colonies. As more settlers arrived, including many Puritans from Virginia, years of religious conflicts ensued. Despite protracted battles for religious dominance, Maryland joined other American colonies declaring their independence from England in 1776. Maryland soldiers were called the “Maryland Line” for their fierce fighting reputation. George Washington referred to the fighters as his “Old Line”, which is how the state got its nickname!

Fast Facts:

  • Maryland was the first state to adopt an official state sport. What sport did they select? Jousting!
  • There are no natural lakes in the state, only lakes that are created by damming rivers.
  • Judges on the Maryland Court of Appeals (the highest state court), wear red or scarlet robes.
  • The first umbrella factory in the U.S. was opened in 1828 in Baltimore. Take that, Seattle!
  • The American national anthem was composed by Francis Scott Key in 1814 as he watched the bombardment of Fort McHenry in the Baltimore Harbor.
  • In 1840, the University of Maryland opened the first dental college in the country.
  • The Baltimore Ravens football team is named after the poem “The Raven”, written by famous city resident Edgar Allan Poe.
  • The city of Havre de Grace is known as the decoy capital of the world. Visit the decoy museum to see an amazing collection of faux waterfowl.

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