New Mexico White Pages

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Use Addresses’ massive database to search for anyone living in the state of New Mexico. Addresses provides some of the most accurate information available. Our information is updated frequently using public records; this includes:

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Notable People from New MexicoNotable Work/Position
Georgia O’KeeffeArtist considered the “Mother of American modernism”, known for her paintings of large flowers, NM landscapes
William HannaAnimator, cartoonist, co-founder of Hanna - Barbera
GeronimoChiricahua Apache chief, leader of resistance to U.S. military
Linda WertheimerRadio journalist, senior National Public Radio correspondent
William (Bill) Richardson30th Governor of NM, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Energy Secretary, first Hispanic candidate for U.S. President
Nancy LopezProfessional golfer, 3 major championships winner
Tom FordFashion designer, film director and screen writer
Neil Patrick HarrisActor, comedian, Tony Award winner

Searching for Someone in New Mexico

New Mexico is the 36th most populated state in the U.S. The total population of New Mexico is 2.09 million residents with over 770,435 households. The average household size is 2.6 members (based on 2017 census data). To refine your search for someone in New Mexico, consider the age, gender, and demographic of your subject to ensure you’re on the right track.

The predominant race in New Mexico is white, making up 37.1% of the state’s population. The median age is 37.7, with 50.5% of the total population female and 49.5% male. The most populated city is Albuquerque with 558,545 people.

The economy of New Mexico employs 829 thousand people. The median income is $46,744. Leading economic segments include the federal government and military, energy, mining, aerospace, and tourism.

Top 3 SchoolsCity# of GraduatesGraduation RateAcceptance RateMost Popular Degrees
Central New Mexico CCAlbuquerque6,84116.5%100%Business, Medical/technical
Univ. of New MexicoAlbuquerque6.02843.9%57.8%Business, Psychology, Educ.
New Mexico State Univ.Las Cruces3,68044.6%59.6%Business, Engineering

New Mexico Real Estate

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Home values in New Mexico have gone up 5.4% in the past year and are anticipated to rise 2.2% in 2019. The median home value is $195,000 with the median price per square foot at $137. The median rent price is $1,265. The median listing price for homes statewide is $239,000. The city with the highest home value is Santa Fe, with a median home value of $311,400.

CityAvg. Home ValueAvg. Household Income
Santa Fe$311,400$50,213
Rio Rancho$161,900$63,180
Silver City$148,200$35,247

New Mexico Facts

Official Name: New Mexico

Name Meaning: The land now known as New Mexico was named Nuevo México by Spanish settlers in 1563. "Mexico" is an Aztec word that translates to "place of Mexitli", an Aztec god. It was named after the Aztec Valley of Mexico well before Mexico was a sovereign nation, so the assumption that New Mexico was named for the country of Mexico is false.

Nickname: The Land of Enchantment

Constitution Ratified: 1912

Statehood: January 6, 1912 (47th State)

Capital: Santa Fe

Total Number of Counties: 33

Largest City: Albuquerque

Largest County (by population): Bernalillo County

Population (as of 2018): 2,095,428

History: New Mexico was home to many Native American tribes before the arrival of European explorers. The Spanish arrived in the 1500s and claimed the land for Spain. The Spanish tried to convert the indigenous population to Catholicism; many battles ensued to establish religious and political dominance over the Native Americans. New Mexico became a province of Mexico in 1821 when Mexico became independent of Spain. A border dispute between Mexico and Texas started the Mexican-American War in 1846, and when the United States prevailed, Mexico surrendered the territory of New Mexico as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. The state was admitted to the United States as the 47th state on January 6, 1912.

Fast Facts:

  • At 7,000 feet above sea level, Santa Fe is the highest capital city in the United States.
  • From Capulin Volcano, an extinct cinder cone volcano in the northeast corner of the state, you can see 5 states: Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, in addition to New Mexico.
  • The first atomic bomb was detonated near the city of Alamogordo on July 16, 1945.
  • Albuquerque hosts the world’s largest hot air balloon festival annually every October.
  • New Mexico is the country’s 5th largest state, but only one-quarter of the roads are paved. The dry climate prevents the roads from washing away.
  • The federal government employs 1 out of 4 workers in the state.
  • Smoky Bear, the mascot of forest fire prevention, was an actual black bear cub rescued from the Capitan Gap fire of 1950. He spent the remainder of his life cared for at the National Zoo.
  • There are more PhDs per capita in New Mexico than any other state.
  • The city of Truth or Consequences, formerly Hot Springs, was named after the popular game show. The city changed its the name after the television show promised to celebrate its 10th anniversary by broadcasting from the first city to adopt the name!
  • Taos Pueblo has been inhabited for more than 1,000 years and is one of the oldest continuously occupied communities in the U.S.

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