New Jersey White Pages

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Use Addresses’ massive database to search for anyone living in the state of New Jersey. Addresses provides some of the most accurate information available. Our information is updated frequently using public records; this includes:

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Notable People from New JerseyNotable Work/PositionBorn
Bruce SpringsteenSinger, songwriter, "The Boss"Long Branch, NJ
Philip RothPulitzer Prize-winning novelistNeward, NJ
Meryl StreepAcclaimed actress with the most Academy Award nominationsSummit, NJ
William James "Count" BasieJazz pianist, composer, Count Basie Orchestra leaderRed Bank, NJ
Grover Cleveland22nd and 24th President of the United States (and the only president to serve 2 non-sequential terms)Caldwell, NJ
Michael "Mike" TroutBaseball athlete and highest paid player in 2019Vineland, NJ
Martha StewartFounder of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, a media and merchandise empire based on cooking and entertainment.Jersey City, NJ

Searching for Someone in New Jersey

New Jersey is the 11th most populated state in the U.S. The total population of New Jersey is over 9 million residents with 3.2 million households. The average household size is 2.7 members (based on 2017 census data). To refine your search for someone in New Jersey, consider the age, gender, and demographic of your subject to ensure you’re on the right track.

The predominant race in New Jersey is white, making up 55% of the state’s population. The median age is 39.8 with 51.2% of the total population female and 48.8% male. The most populated city is Newark with 285,154 people.

The economy of New Jersey employs 4.34 million people. The median income is $80,088. The leading industries in New Jersey include pharmaceutical, biotechnology, information technology, and financial services.

There are many private and public colleges and institutions in the state of New Jersey.

Top 3 SchoolsCity# of GraduatesGraduation RateAcceptance RateMost Popular Degrees
Rutgers UniversityNew Brunswick12,27980%56.9%Psychology / Speech / Biology
Montclair State UniversityMontclair5,00465.2%66.1%Business Admin / Psychology
Rowan UniversityGlassboro3,33971%71%Psychology / Music
PrincetonPrinceton1,27897%7%Engineering / Social Sciences

New Jersey Real Estate

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Home values in New Jersey have gone up 2% in the past year and are anticipated to rise 2% in 2019. The median home value is $334,900 with the median price per square foot at $192. The median rent price is $2,000. The median listing price for homes statewide is $339,000, but median price of homes that sold is $288,700.

The city with the highest home value is Jersey City, NJ with a median home value of $380,000.

CityAvg. Home ValueAvg. Household Income
Jersey City$380,000$100,336

New Jersey Facts

Official Name: New Jersey

Name Meaning: New Jersey was named by British colonists after the island of Jersey, situated in the English Channel.

Nickname: The Garden State

Constitution Ratified: 1787

Statehood: December 18, 1787 (3rd State)

Capital: Trenton

Total Number of Counties: 21

Largest City: Newark

Largest County (by population): Bergen

Population (as of 2018): 8.908 million

History: New Jersey was home to many Native American tribes before the arrival of European explorers. In the early 1600s, Dutch and Swedish explorers established the first settlements in the area. Several English settlers arrived later, ultimately outnumbering the Dutch and the Swedes. In 1664, the English took control, declaring the land a territory of England. It was named in honor of the island Jersey in the English Channel. A century later, New Jersey was one of thirteen colonies that revolted against the British, starting the American Revolutionary War. After the colonists overthrew British rule, they declared their independence as a new nation in 1776. New Jersey was the 3rd state to join the United States of America on December 18, 1787.

Fast Facts:

  • The Atlantic City Boardwalk is the longest in the world at nearly 6 miles, and the oldest boardwalk in the United States.
  • New Jersey is the “Diner Capital” of the world with an estimated 525 diners to choose from!
  • Add “sports mecca” to New Jersey’s accolades. The first official baseball game in the U.S. was played in Hoboken in 1846. The first intercollegiate football game was played in 1869 in New Brunswick between Rutgers and Princeton Universities. The first professional basketball game was played in Trenton between the Trenton YMCA and Brooklyn YMCA in 1896.
  • New Jersey has 7 shopping malls in a 25 square-mile radius, more malls in one area anywhere!
  • The Holland Tunnel is the first mechanically ventilated underwater tunnel in the world. Opened in 1927, the tunnel connects New Jersey and New York under the Hudson River.
  • Saltwater taffy was created in Atlantic City in 1883. Dentures be damned.
  • The street names in the Monopoly board game are named after actual streets in Atlantic City.
  • The tallest water tower in the world, the Union Watersphere, stands at 212 feet tall in Union.

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