Tarrant County White Pages

Tarrant County is the 3rd most populated county in Texas behind Harris County and Dallas County, and is the 15th most populated county in the United States behind San Bernardino, California. Its county seat is Fort Worth, which, at 815,930 people, is also the most populous city in Tarrant County. The bordering counties are Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Parker, and Wise.

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Tarrant County Population

The average population size for a county in America is 10,000 people, putting Tarrant County’s population of 2.05 million well above average. The next most populated county in the state of Texas is Bexar, which has a population of 1.96 million. It’s the 16th most populous county in the United States, listed right after Tarrant County.

If you’re looking for someone and only have a name and their general whereabouts, you can narrow your search by considering the demographic of the people in Tarrant County.

The average age for those living in Tarrant County in 2017 was 34.5, which is a slight increase from 2016 when the average was 34 years of age. There is a significant difference between the median age of those who are living in the county and were born in the United States (32 years) and those who were foreign born (41 years).

The population is made up of slightly more females (51%) than males (49%), and marital status is evenly split (50% are married, 50% are single). The average persons per household is 2.9. If you’re searching for someone by name alone, consider they may have had a name change due to nuptials.

The percentage of the population born outside of the United States as of 2017 (15.5%) is only a slight increase from 2016 (15.4%). However, both of these numbers are higher than the national average of 13.7%. There are 1.61 times more White Alone residents in Tarrant County than any other race or ethnicity (957,000 people), although the second and third most common ethnicities are Hispanic/Latino (593,000 people) and Black/African American Alone (332,000 people). The most common non-English languages spoken are Spanish (21.6% or 411,501 speakers), Vietnamese (1.88% or 35,968 speakers), and Arabic (1.03% or 19,620 speakers).

Property value for Tarrant County grew from $168,500 in 2016 to $186,200 in 2017. Due to the increase in property prices and the number of people per households, the percentage of homeowners, which is 60.6%, is lower than the national average of 63.9%. However, this number is slowly increasing, as only 60% of Tarrant County residents owned a home in 2016. The median household income is also increasing. In 2017, it grew to $65,052 from the previous year’s value of $61,534.

The largest industries in the county are Retail Trade, Health Care and Social Assistance, and Manufacturing, and the highest paying jobs are within the field of Management of Companies and Enterprises.

Tarrant County Property Records

Map of Texas highlighting Tarrant County

Tarrant County stretches for 863.61 square miles across land and 39 square miles across water, which, according to 2010 census data, equates to over 2,000 people living in the area per square mile. Tarrant is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington Metropolitan Statistical Area and is also the 2nd most populous county of the three (Dallas is the 1st).

The most pleasant months of the year are October, April, and May, when temperatures range from 70 to 85 degrees. August is the hottest month, reaching the mid 90’s. The Trinity River is the major water source and flows from the northwest to the southeast across the county, with the Clear Fork and the West Fork draining the western half and smaller tributaries draining the eastern portion. Although the area is made up of several prairies rich with rolling grassland and exposed rock formations, there are still a few major lakes that stream across the region, including Benbrook, Arlington, Eagle Mountain, Grapevine, and Worth.

Unfortunately, Tarrant County is higher than the national average for property crimes. On a scale of 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime), Tarrant County comes in at 39.5, while the United States average is 35.4. Property crime includes theft, burglary, arson, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. It’s worth noting however that property crime means there is no physical violence against the victim, i.e. these crimes are based on the owner being absent or asleep. In regards to violent crimes, Tarrant County comes in at 17.1, below the national average of 22.7, making it safer than many other large metropolitan counties. If you have specific concerns about someone, run a background check to find out if they have a criminal record.

Tarrant County Facts

Official Name: Tarrant County

Name Meaning: Tarrant County was named in honor of General Edward H. Tarrant, who served in the Republic of Texas and State of Texas militia, fighting Indians for two decades. He also served in the Texas House of Representatives.

Year Formed: Tarrant County was one of 26 counties created out of the Peters Colony and was established in 1849 and organized the next year.

Total Sq Miles: 863.61

Population: 2,084,931

Fast Facts:

  • Tarrant County experienced periods of prosperity and economic depression in the 1870’s, due in part to cattle and railroads. Cattle were being driven through the county on the way north, which provided opportunities for area merchants. The trail drivers needed supplies and entertainment, which Tarrant County was able to oblige.
  • In the early 21st century, factories continued to turn out a wide variety of products, including airplanes, mobile homes, helicopters, electronics, and plastics.
  • Some of the local attractions include the Fort Worth Zoo, Texas Rangers baseball games, the Amon Carter Museum, and the Kimball Art Museum.
  • Voters of Tarrant County favored the Democratic candidate in every presidential election from 1892 to 1948. The only exception was in 1928, when Republican Herbert Hoover won the county. After 1952, the area began to trend Republican.

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