Suffolk County White Pages

Suffolk County is the 4th most populated county in New York and the 26th most populated county in the United States, just behind Palm Beach, Florida. Suffolk County is not to be confused with Suffolk County in Massachusetts, which is the 78th most populated county in the United States. Suffolk County, New York’s seat is Riverhead, which is on the north shore of Long Island and has around 34,000 residents. Suffolk County borders the counties of Nassau, Fairfield in Connecticut, New Haven in Connecticut, New London in Connecticut, Middlesex in Connecticut, and Washington in Rhode Island.

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Suffolk County Population

Suffolk County has around 1.49 million people, but that still nowhere compares to the over 2.5 million people that make up the population of the largest county in New York, Kings (Brooklyn). The next most populated county in New York after Suffolk is The Bronx, which is the 28th most populated county in the United States and has over 1.4 million people.

If you’re looking for someone and only have a name and their general whereabouts, you can narrow your search by considering the demographic of the people in Suffolk County.

The median age of Suffolk County residents in 2017 was 41.1, which is slightly older than the median age of 41 in 2016. On average, those born in the United States and living in the county are 40 years old, which is younger than the average of those who are foreign-born, which is 45 years old.

The gender diversity is fairly evenly split, as 51% of the population are female and 49% are male. There are generally around 2.9 persons per household, and 52% of residents are married (48% are single). The rate of marriage is ten percent higher than the rate of the state of New York (47%) and a little higher than the rate of the United States as a whole (50%). If you’re searching for someone by name alone, consider they may have had a name change due to nuptials.

In 2017, 15.6% of the population of Suffolk County were born outside of the United States, which is higher than the national average of 13.7%, and also higher than the rate of 15.5% in 2016. 92.9% of residents are United States citizens, which is up from 2016 when it was 92.8%. However, both of these percentages are lower than the national average of 93.1%. The three most common places of origin outside of the United States are the Dominican Republic, China, and Jamaica, and the most common non-English languages spoken are Spanish (14.5% or 205,413 speakers), Italian (1.12% or 15,832 speakers), and Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese, 0.977% or 13,816 speakers). There are 3.43 times more White Alone residents in Suffolk County than any other race or ethnicity, but the next two most common ethnic groups are Hispanic/Latino and Black/African American Alone.

The median property value was $394,600 in 2017, which is 1.81 times larger than the national average of $217,600. The value increased from $386,400 in 2016, which is a 2.12% increase. Despite property value being higher than the national average, 80.9% of residents own their home. This is higher than the United States as a whole, which has a rate of 63.9%. Fortunately, household income is also increasing. In 2017, the median income of 482,000 total households was $94,740, which grew from $92,933 in 2016.

The economy of Suffolk County employs 752,000 people. The three largest industries are Health Care and Social Assistance, Educational Services, and Retail Trade. The highest paying jobs are within the Utilities field.

Suffolk County Property Records

Map of New York highlighting Suffolk County

According to 2010 census data, Suffolk County features 912.05 square miles of land and 1,461 square miles of water, which equates to 1,637,093 people per square mile. It’s the second largest county in New York in terms of total area and occupies 66% of the land area of Long Island from the eastern and central sections (“Long Island” usually refers to Nassau County and Suffolk County).

Suffolk County is mostly a suburban county on Long Island and the easternmost county in the state of New York. The eastern end of the county splits into two peninsulas, known as the North Fork and South Fork. The region is surrounded by water on three sides, which include the Atlantic Ocean, 980 miles of coastline along Long Island Sound, and large bays on the eastern side. The highest elevation in the county, which is also the highest in Long Island as a whole, is Jayne’s Hill in West Hills, which is 401 feet above sea level. The area is at the convergence of climate zones including humid continental, humid subtropical, and oceanic, making summers cooler at the east end than in the west.

Fortunately, Suffolk County is lower than the national average for property crimes. On a scale of 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime), it rates 23.1, and the United States as a whole is at 35.4. Property crime includes theft, burglary, arson, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. It’s worth noting however that property crime means there is no physical violence against the victim, i.e. these crimes are based on the owner being absent or asleep. In regards to violent crimes, Suffolk County is extremely lower than the national average. It rates 8.2 and the national average is 22.7. If you have specific concerns about someone, run a background check to find out if they have a criminal record.

Suffolk County Facts

Official Name: Suffolk County

Name Meaning: Suffolk County was named after the county of Suffolk in England, from where the earliest European settlers came.

Year Formed: Suffolk County was created in 1683 as one of the 12 original counties in the New York Colony (Province of New York). Before that, it was part of the Connecticut Colony.

Total Sq Miles: 912.05

Population: 1,481,093

Fast Facts:

  • The Fire Island Lighthouse in southern Suffolk County on the Great South Bay was an important landmark for many trans-Atlantic ships coming into New York Harbor in the early 20th century. For many Europeans immigrants, the light from the lighthouse was their first sight of land upon arriving in the United States.
  • Suffolk County has the most lighthouses of any United States county, with 15 of its original 26 lighthouses still standing.
  • Gardiners Island is an island off of the eastern part of the county. The same family has owned the island for nearly 400 years. It’s one of the largest privately-owned islands in both America and the world.
  • Long Island is home to some of the most expensive mansions in the United States and to the luxury communities of the Hamptons, Cold Spring Harbor, and others.

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