Middlesex County White Pages

Middlesex County is the most populated county in Massachusetts and the 22nd most populated county in the United States, right behind New York County (Manhattan), New York. Its two county seats are Lowell and Cambridge, which are the two most populated cities in the county (Lowell is number 1, Cambridge is number 2), although the most populated city in the state is Boston. Middlesex County borders the counties of Worcester, Suffolk, Essex, Norfolk, and Hillsborough in New Hampshire.

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Middlesex County Population

Middlesex County holds a population of 1.6 million people, putting it well above the average population size for a county in America, which is 10,000 people. The next most populated county in the state of Massachusetts is Worcester County, which hardly compares. Worcester County has around 830,000 people and is the 71st most populated county in the United States.

If you’re looking for someone and only have a name and their general whereabouts, you can narrow your search by considering the demographic of the people in Middlesex County.

The median age for all residents of Middlesex County was 38.4 in 2017, which is down from 39 in 2016. There is a large gap in the average age for county residents born in the United States (37 years) and those who are foreign-born (42 years).

The gender diversity is almost evenly split, as 51% of residents are female and 49% are male. The marriage rate is 50/50 (50% are single, 50% are married), and 39% of men have never been married. Among 612,224 households, there is an average of 2.5 persons. If you’re searching for someone by name alone, consider they may have had a name change due to nuptials.

As of 2017, 20.3% of the population of Middlesex County was born outside of the United States, which is higher than the national average of 13.7%. This is up from 19.8% in 2016. The most common foreign countries of origin are China, Dominic Republic, and Brazil. There are 5.98 times more White Alone residents (1.15 million people) than any other race or ethnicity. The next two most common ethnic groups are Asian Alone and Hispanic/Latino. This is consistent with the three most common non-English languages spoken in the county - Spanish (6.01% or 91,112 speakers), Portuguese (3.88% or 58,867 speakers), and Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese, 3.44% or 52,195 speakers). 27.4% of the population speak a foreign language, which is higher than the national average of 21.8%.

The median property value of homes in Middlesex County is $511,700 as of 2017, which is up from $477,500 in 2016 and 2.35 times larger than the average of $217,600 for the United States as a whole. Due to the increase in property value, the homeownership rate of 62.7% is lower than the national average of 63.9%. Luckily, household income has also continued to increase. In 2017, the average income was $98,555, up from $95,249 in 2016.

Middlesex County employs 884,000 people. The three largest industries are Health Care and Social Assistance, Professional Scientific and Technical Services, and Educational Services. The highest paying jobs are within the Management of Companies and Enterprises field.

Middlesex County Property Records

Map of Massachusetts highlighting Middlesex County

According to census data from 2010, Middlesex County has a land area of only 817.82 square miles. However, with an estimate of over 1.6 million per square mile, it’s a very dense region. It’s the most populous county not only in Massachusetts, but in all of New England. The county is part of the Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA – NH Metropolitan Statistical Area. It’s bounded southeast by the Charles River and drained by the Merrimack, Nashua, and Concord rivers. The MetroWest region, which is a cluster of cities and towns west of Boston and east of Worcester, comprises much of the southern portion of the county. There are several protected areas within the area, including Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge and Lowell National Historic Park, among others.

Fortunately, Middlesex County is significantly lower than the national average for property crimes. On a scale from 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime), it rates 18.4, and the United States as whole is at 35.4. Property crime includes theft, burglary, arson, larceny, and motor vehicle theft. It’s worth noting however that property crime means there is no physical violence against the victim, i.e. these crimes are based on the owner being absent or asleep. In regards to violent crimes, Middlesex County also comes in below the national average, ranking 12.2 vs. 22.7 nationally. If you have specific concerns about someone, run a background check to find out if they have a criminal record.

Middlesex County Facts

Official Name: Middlesex County

Name Meaning: The county was named for the English county of Middlesex.

Year Formed: The county was created by the Massachusetts General Court on May 10, 1643 when it was ordered that the whole plantation be divided into four sections. It originally contained Charlestown, Cambridge, Watertown, Sudbury, Concord, Woburn, Medford, Wayland, and Reading. In 1649, the first Middlesex County Registry of Deeds was created in Cambridge.

Total Sq Miles: 817.82

Population: 1,614,714

Fast Facts:

  • In 1997, the Massachusetts legislature voted to abolish the executive government of Middlesex County due to its insolvency. It continues to exist as a geographic boundary but is used primarily as district jurisdictions within the court system and for other administrative purposes.
  • In 1775, Middlesex County was the site of the first armed conflict of the American Revolutionary War.
  • In 2006, the county was 10th in the United States on the list of most millionaires per county.
  • Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are both located in Cambridge within Middlesex County.
  • During the Cambodian Genocide, the city of Lowell took in an influx of refugees, leading to a Cambodia town and America’s 2nd largest Cambodian American population.

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